Sports Massage Therapist and Movement specialists


As Sports Massage Therapist and Movement coaches we hold a crucial responsibility in shaping the trajectory of our athletes/ clients performance journey. One paramount aspect often overlooked is the significance of proper movement mechanics in thwarting sports-related injuries.

Athletes might possess incredible strength and endurance, but without sound /optimal movement patterns, they’re walking a tightrope between excellence and injury. 🤕 Here’s why focusing on movement mechanics is non-negotiable:

Injury Prevention: Flawed mechanics create imbalances that can lead to overuse injuries. By addressing movement dysfunctions early, we’re reinforcing the foundation for a long and prosperous athletic career.

Optimal Performance: Efficient movement patterns translate to enhanced performance. A body that moves seamlessly expends less energy, allowing athletes to channel their efforts where they matter most.

Longevity: Think of movement mechanics as an investment in an athlete’s future. By guiding them to move the right way now, we’re setting them up for a healthier and more fulfilling journey in sports.

Here are some strategies we can adopt as coaches:

✅ Functional Assessments: Regularly evaluate athletes’ movement patterns to identify weaknesses or imbalances that could lead to injuries down the line.

✅ Tailored Corrective Exercises: Design targeted exercises that address specific movement deficiencies, gradually rewiring the body’s mechanics.

✅ Education: Empower athletes with knowledge about the importance of proper movement. When they understand the “why,” compliance becomes natural.

Let’s embark on a mission to not just build strong athletes, but also athletes who move with precision and grace. By prioritizing movement mechanics, we’re not just mitigating risks – we’re nurturing athletes who are resilient, high-performing, and poised for long-term success. 🌟

Remember, behind every powerful performance is a foundation of well-executed movements.
If you would like to learn more about this

contact me at 630-968-7827



SOHMAR © 2012 - 515 Ogden Ave, Suite 300, Downers Grove, IL 60515 • 630-968-7827