Pain and Massage

Why we feel pain and what to do about it.

Rest is Recovery for not just an athlete

September 20, 2023 l by Mike McAleese

Why Athletes ( actually all of us ) Need Sleep: Quality sleep is to athletes what fuel is to a car—it's non-negotiable. Here's why: - Muscle Recovery: During deep sleep, your body produces growth hormone, aiding in muscle repair and growth. Sleep is when your body works its magic in repairing the wear and tear from rigorous training. - Energy Restoration: Sleep is your body ...Read More

Patellar tendinopathy and Infrapatellar bursitis

August 28, 2023 l by Mike McAleese

Distinct clinical features between patellar tendinopathy and infra patellar bursitis. Patellar tendinopathy also known as jumper's knee is a condition characterized by degeneration and inflammation of the patellar tendon. It commonly affects athletes involved in jumping sports such as basketball and volleyball. The primary symptom of patellar tendinopathy is localized pain and tendern ...Read More

More Myths — Back pain

June 22, 2017 l by Sohmar

Here are 5 common beliefs  ( Myths) that have been challenged: 1. Bending is dangerous 2. Discs slip 3. Nerves are trapped 4. Pain comes from facet joints, discs etc 5. Low back pain is in isolation to everything else in your life. Comments below:- ———————————- 1. Bending is normal. Sure it can hurt when the back is being protected, and when ...Read More

A Real Pain in the Butt and who to see about it …..

June 7, 2017 l by Sohmar

Lets talk about Sciatica a real pain in the behind , it is  defined as a severe pain in a leg along the course of the sciatic nerve. The pain is felt in the back of the leg running from the butt ( hip complex ) down the back of the Hamstring into the calf and foot. The pain may begin abruptly or gradually, and is characterized by a sharp, shooting, or electric shock-like qual ...Read More

Frederic Luskin 9 steps to Forgiveness

May 19, 2017 l by Sohmar

Pain is all about protection and often ‘just in case’. When we have an injury, pain is a vital survival mechanism that motivates action to promote healing. However, pain is poorly related to the amount of tissue damage, instead representing a body or whole person state of protection. It changes the way we think, feel and act.  In many people, despite the healing, the protective sta ...Read More


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