Perspective —- Just because I do not look Sick or in Pain doesn’t mean I am not …
“Lots of people just look at me and think i’m fine when im so not and struggle everyday. I just wish I new how to actually help myself but im soooo tired and in pain all the time that all i wanna do i just can’t. Everyone tells me exercise eat well do this do that and i just want to scream because i just would like to show them what i really feel.”
This is from a Client/Friend of mine. I understand very well what she is talking about.
My Heart breaks for her because everyone that see her thinks she is fine and when she tries to share with them about what she is living with they do not understand.
Everyone and their brother/sister believe they have a “cure” or ‘fix’for Fibromyalgia from acupuncturist , Chiropractic, to Essential Oil folks to Massage therapist etc etc etc UGHHHHH!! They mean well but there is no ‘Cure”or “Fix”.. yes Movement does help being active does help however when you are living with Fibro most of the time you do not feel like it.. so friends STOP telling people living with Fibro to get “over it ” Try to be more understanding your friend is not lazy they want to do more their nervous system just is not letting them. There are so many “unseen” illnesses out there that people are living with , Even someone living with cancer has to go through this as well.. Seek to understand what your friends who have a Illness that you can not see, ask them how they are doing how they are feeling Please do not judge what you do not understand…