Business coaches Good or Bad

The other day someone asked me to share their business coaching with our massage students. I though “hmmm isn’t this what I do on a daily basis”? I asked them how many years have they coached “Massage Therapists”? They said they had not specifically coached MT’s but that their business plan would make them successful. To make a long story short… I told them I was not willing to share their “business coaching business” and that 9 years in the coaching field does not make them an expert.
Let me just say I do have a business coach. He has been in the business for 25+ years and has a successful business himself. His business like any growing business has had ups and downs and that has given him an understanding of how and what to do….that my LMT friends is a coach, someone who has been in the trenches they have fought and they have sweated and cried and lost and then grew again as a ” phoenix raising up”.
Just because someone thinks that you have the answers for new massage therapist or new businesses for all that matters, if you do not know my business, or if you have not had extensive conversations with me, looked at my business plan, asked about my goals, failures or successes then you are not qualified to give me squat.
Although it is great having a coach, choose one who spends the time to know you and your business, before they go pitching the “package deal”. They may have some insights but does that make them a expert/coach for our businesses.
I have been in this Business for over 24 years, as an experienced Massage therapist and Educator. I am also in the Massage Hall of Fame, BUT, I still do not have all the answers. As Always it is your choice ….