
massage related blog

Why are so many Massage therapist afraid of …..

February 9, 2017 l by Sohmar

In my opinion many in the Massage profession are so caught up in trying to be in line with main stream "medical world" that they have forgotten what massage/bodywork is all about or have they just pushed it to the back burner more or less because they are either afraid or their ego is as big as the state of Texas .To be honest I found myself caught up in their way of thinking because "if ...Read More

Massage Therapy and Pain Science.. Have to Love a Good Research Study

January 20, 2017 l by Sohmar

I share with our Massage students that " Holistic " and " Science "do  work together very nicely and it benefits our clients when dealing with the issue of "Pain". When people ask if Massage therapy can help with "pain" The answer I give  them is "it depends' on the source of the pain. Massage does and can assist with Pain management.   Plews-Ogan_et_al-2005-Journal_of_Gener ...Read More

Diaphragmatic breathing helps with Lymphatic flow

January 6, 2017 l by Sohmar

The downward and upward movement in diaphragmatic breathing is an important component for the sufficient return of lymphatic fluid back to the bloodstream. Patients affected by lymphedema of the leg benefit greatly from an exercise program including diaphragmatic breathing exercises. The movement of the diaphragm, combined with the outward and inward movements of the abdomen, rib cage, a ...Read More

Choose a Massage School over 4 year college

January 2, 2017 l by Sohmar

Real Reasons To Choose Massage School Over College From  Rick Merriam If you’re serious about pursuing a career in massage therapy, first and foremost, you’ll want to have a complete understanding of all that goes into being a massage therapist. Along with that, I recommend sitting with, and determining your level of interest in working with the human body ...Read More

From The Mind Of My Good Friend Adam Wolf PT, LMT : Myofascial and Scar tissue work

December 19, 2016 l by Sohmar

Myofascial Restrictions & Scar Tissue In general, soft tissue should translate and glide freely over adjacent structures yet if trauma exists or has existed, a binding down of the fascia can result in abnormal pressure on nerves, muscles, bones and organs. Although still a part of the composition, scar tissue can be realigned and therefore movement of tissue can be unimpeded. Manu ...Read More


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