Why Am I in pain ? More on Pain Management
Pain is a normal, but unpleasant, experience you feel in response to what your brain believes to be a threatening situation and can involve actual or potential tissue damage (Butler & Moseley, 2003). The pain experience is what motivates you to take notice of tissue damage and do something about it. When you accidentally step on a sharp object your brain alerts you to the threat (tis ...Read More
Science, Massage, Faith
Science/Research seems to be the top subject in the massage profession lately. As we know research has proven that massage or compassionate touch does help with stress and pain. What has happened now is that anyone who has any Faith or even tries to speak about is condemn out right on any social media like Facebook. I feel that is wrong that this happens. I bought up something a client ...Read More
Pain Science and Massage Therapy

Pain prompts many to seek-out massage therapy care. Yet, LMT's are infrequently included in mainstream, collaborative teams addressing pain – this seems counterintuitive. So, why are LMT's not routinely part of the team? Answer: For starters, evidently, our own perception of ourselves and our profession serves as unnecessary barriers to inclusion – consider this a plea to stop shooti ...Read More
Advance Reflexology L2 and Rocktape

We have added Rocktape to Our Sports Massage class and Our L2 Reflexology course . We are the only Massage/Reflexology school that adds this. What is really nice about Reflexology and Taping is it helps the client to move better and it aids in their healing. It is just another tool to assist our clients to Help themselves to move better to fee better and to breathe better one step one gr ...Read More
Welcome to our Blog

Welcome to the newest feature to Sohmar's web page. This blog will be dedicated to Massage /Reflexology education from movement and assessments to pain science and Rocktaping . It might be light hearted or serious depending on what I am writing about :) so stay tuned. ...Read More