The Year of A Healthier Foot via Reflexology and Strengthening

Clearly, a stronger foot is a healthier foot. To this end, I am suggesting a shift in the way we think about treating the foot. Current clinical guidelines include the use of foot orthotic devices for heel pain and plantar fasciitis, but they lack any reference to strengthening of the foot. Even through temporary support may be needed during the acute phase of an injury, it should be rep ...Read More
Michael McAleese Inducted into 2016 Massage Therapy Hall of Fame August 7th!

With any organization it is and should be a team effort. I shared my vision for SOHMAR with every instructor that we had in the last 25 years and each took that vision and shared it with every student from Massage to Reflexology to continuing education. Every so often that vision grew and matured as all visions should. We all grew. I am receiving the honors next Monday evening of being ...Read More
Pro ea brute summo fastidii, nec ea idque commodo.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, est ne agam aliquid commune, deseruisse interesset ex eos. Mei te discere veritus sapientem, te veniam lobortis hendrerit pri. Soleat convenire ea vix, usu ne quando viderer. Pro ne paulo utamur periculis, sit nibh discere docendi ne, est omnis evertitur signiferumque te. Magna regione graecis ut his. Et vel prima populo disputando, pri diceret signiferumqu ...Read More
Has an impetus invidunt interpretaris. Duis maluisset in nam.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, est ne agam aliquid commune, deseruisse interesset ex eos. Mei te discere veritus sapientem, te veniam lobortis hendrerit pri. Soleat convenire ea vix, usu ne quando viderer. Pro ne paulo utamur periculis, sit nibh discere docendi ne, est omnis evertitur signiferumque te. Magna regione graecis ut his. Et vel prima populo disputando, pri diceret signiferumqu ...Read More