A & P
More Myths — Back pain
Here are 5 common beliefs ( Myths) that have been challenged: 1. Bending is dangerous 2. Discs slip 3. Nerves are trapped 4. Pain comes from facet joints, discs etc 5. Low back pain is in isolation to everything else in your life. Comments below:- ———————————- 1. Bending is normal. Sure it can hurt when the back is being protected, and when ...Read More
Fun Fact Terms that Massage Therapist and Movement geeks use and have to learn
HUMAN MOVEMENT Terms: Now let’s take a look at a few fun however important movement terms . I will keep it as brief and simple as possible Prone vs supine Prone is lying face down; supine is face up. Superior vs inferior Superior means closer to the head; inferior means closer to the feet. Medial vs lateral Medial refers to nearer to the center; lateral refers to farth ...Read More
Michael McAleese Inducted into 2016 Massage Therapy Hall of Fame August 7th!

With any organization it is and should be a team effort. I shared my vision for SOHMAR with every instructor that we had in the last 25 years and each took that vision and shared it with every student from Massage to Reflexology to continuing education. Every so often that vision grew and matured as all visions should. We all grew. I am receiving the honors next Monday evening of being ...Read More
Has an impetus invidunt interpretaris. Duis maluisset in nam.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, est ne agam aliquid commune, deseruisse interesset ex eos. Mei te discere veritus sapientem, te veniam lobortis hendrerit pri. Soleat convenire ea vix, usu ne quando viderer. Pro ne paulo utamur periculis, sit nibh discere docendi ne, est omnis evertitur signiferumque te. Magna regione graecis ut his. Et vel prima populo disputando, pri diceret signiferumqu ...Read More
Audire nostrud efficiendi eos ne, usu mundi ceteros antiopam an.

Pro ea brute summo fastidii, nec ea idque commodo. Vis et esse forensibus elaboraret, at illum everti eloquentiam nec. Facer fierent appareat mel cu, cibo utamur vim an, at semper oporteat repudiandae nec. Sed ei stet simul, sed ne commodo mediocrem argumentum, eos ut purto novum ludus. Pro et feugiat labores. No eos altera assueverit. Audire nostrud efficiendi eos ne, usu mundi ceter ...Read More