Why do we teach/share information about Movement and Muscles testing here at SOHMAR ?

We all move all day long chasing kids, dogs, cats, the taxi or bus. Some of us at one time or another play some kind of sport maybe even do a marathon or 2 or 20 maybe a Ironman. The point is We all move We all have jobs that must be done we clean we vacuum you get the point. Within these movements ( life) there are compensation patterns that will happen that will cause pain or ...Read More
Stop blaming the shoe , and why are there more running injuries if the shoe are supposedly better made ?

Stop blaming your pain on the wrong shoes, and take charge of why you thought you needed those shoes in the first place. Be an educated consumer and if you lack the resources or knowledge to properly evaluate your footwear needs, then do some research! The bottom line here is that we all need to be training our foot musculature ( short foot ), in addition to the hips/core far more than ...Read More
The wonders of the foot to core
The human foot is a very complex structure, which allows it to serve many diverse functions. During standing, it provides our base of support. During gait, the foot must be stable at foot-strike and push-off. However, during mid-support, the foot must become a mobile adaptor and attenuate loads. It also possesses spring-like characteristics, storing and releasing elastic energy with each ...Read More