Diaphragmatic breathing helps with Lymphatic flow
The downward and upward movement in diaphragmatic breathing is an important component for the sufficient return of lymphatic fluid back to the bloodstream. Patients affected by lymphedema of the leg benefit greatly from an exercise program including diaphragmatic breathing exercises. The movement of the diaphragm, combined with the outward and inward movements of the abdomen, rib cage, a ...Read More
Just a side note or 10
I did borrow this from Dan John .. and I do share this with My clients and Students here at SOHMAR.... Don't Smoke Wear your seat belt and a helmet Learn to fail Eat more protein Eat more fiber Drink more water Take fish oil caps Floss your teeth Keep your joints healthy Build some muscle ...Read More
Choose a Massage School over 4 year college
Real Reasons To Choose Massage School Over College From Rick Merriam If you’re serious about pursuing a career in massage therapy, first and foremost, you’ll want to have a complete understanding of all that goes into being a massage therapist. Along with that, I recommend sitting with, and determining your level of interest in working with the human body ...Read More
The Year of A Healthier Foot via Reflexology and Strengthening
Clearly, a stronger foot is a healthier foot. To this end, I am suggesting a shift in the way we think about treating the foot. Current clinical guidelines include the use of foot orthotic devices for heel pain and plantar fasciitis, but they lack any reference to strengthening of the foot. Even through temporary support may be needed during the acute phase of an injury, it should be rep ...Read More
Stop blaming the shoe , and why are there more running injuries if the shoe are supposedly better made ?
Stop blaming your pain on the wrong shoes, and take charge of why you thought you needed those shoes in the first place. Be an educated consumer and if you lack the resources or knowledge to properly evaluate your footwear needs, then do some research! The bottom line here is that we all need to be training our foot musculature ( short foot ), in addition to the hips/core far more than ...Read More