
So many ‘OLD Wives Tales” and Silly Myths

February 12, 2017 l by Sohmar

There are many myths about reflexology/massage. How they can have harmful effects because, just like rumors, they always seem to have a willing audience. Here are some of the worst ones... Myth 1: Reflexology/massage is not safe for pregnant women. Fact: Not true. If the fear is of miscarriage, reflexology can only HELP the body seek its own equilibrium. A miscarriage is a reac ...Read More

You got to move it, move it

February 10, 2017 l by Sohmar

Yes this is a phrase/song from a popular movie a while ago.. and as I like to say is " Motion is lotion" . How and why we have a tendencies to start to feel stiff in our joints or maybe why our bodies seem to just get stiff as we age up( get older . I believe some of the reasons why is because we have lost the child like instinct to move?PLAY. yes we have.  We sometimes get  upset when ...Read More

A Nice video via My Mentor Dr. Evan Osar on Three Dimensional Breathing … If you don’t own your breathe your don’t own your movement

February 9, 2017 l by Sohmar

Here is a Great video  from My mentor Dr. Evan Osar  from  one of the Leaders in the Movement and Fitness profession .I also share with our Reflexology and Massage Students Here at School of Holistic Massage and Reflexology  and also with my clients and I also do myself as well... enjoy  If you are interested more about this please feel free to contact m ...Read More

Why are so many Massage therapist afraid of …..

February 9, 2017 l by Sohmar

In my opinion many in the Massage profession are so caught up in trying to be in line with main stream "medical world" that they have forgotten what massage/bodywork is all about or have they just pushed it to the back burner more or less because they are either afraid or their ego is as big as the state of Texas .To be honest I found myself caught up in their way of thinking because "if ...Read More

The Effect of Foot Reflexology on Pain in Patients with Cancer ..

February 4, 2017 l by Sohmar

November 2003Volume 16, Issue 4, Pages 284–286 The effect of foot reflexology on pain in patients with metastatic cancer 1 Thirty-six oncology inpatients participated in this third pilot study investigating the effects of foot reflexology in which equianalgesic dosing was calculated. Foot reflexology was found to have a positive immediate effect for patients with metastatic cancer ...Read More


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