Pain Science and Massage Therapy

Pain prompts many to seek-out massage therapy care. Yet, LMT’s are infrequently included in mainstream, collaborative teams addressing pain – this seems counterintuitive. So, why are LMT’s not routinely part of the team? Answer: For starters, evidently, our own perception of ourselves and our profession serves as unnecessary barriers to inclusion – consider this a plea to stop shooting ourselves in the foot.
I strongly urged us to stop considering massage therapy an (outlierfringe) in health care and encouraged us to firmly take our rightful place in integrated care.
Although we may not, yet, clearly understand massage therapy mechanisms of action, it is widely accepted that massage therapy ‘works.’ Ever increasingly, we are being called to identify the problems that massage therapy can solve or provide assistance with and, to bring this to the attention of the open arms wanting to embrace our profession and all the good we bring to the table (pun intended).
We do teach Pain Science here at Sohmar and also how to be a part of a integrative Team of Professionals.