Gluteus and Pectoralis and Abdominals

Why are some people afraid of getting their pecs, abs and glutes massaged and why are some massage therapist afraid of working these areas?
Even worse… why the h-e-double hockey sticks, are some massage chains and massage schools not teaching or letting their massage therapist work on these areas??? Is it fear, liability, or lack of education on the therapists side or is it a lack of educating and preparing your client with the information as to why you do work these areas? As you can see from the pictures above, these muscle are important to our daily lives. You need to walk you need to sit down and get up many times a day.
These muscles are constantly working along with the others muscles. They get tired, they get overworked…. as you can see from the diagrams these are some of the major muscles in the body. Every time you put on a shirt or coat, your pec’s are moving along with other muscles that go along for the ride. Every time you walk or pick up a penny from the ground or go to the bathroom…your glutes and ab’s are helping you to stand up straight.
As you can see, there are many muscles that help with movement. They all get tired or “tight” or get “knotted up”. They all need to get “Kneaded” (massage pun…but never the less they need to get massaged.
If you are a client and shy or afraid of getting them massaged, please understand it is critical to your performance and everyday movement.
If you are a massage therapist and you don’t like to work on these areas, get over it (learn) and stop putting your fear on the client! As a massage therapist you are doing your client a dis service by not working these areas.
To the Big chain massage companies SHAME on you for NOT allowing your LMT’s to preform this important part of massage. At the time of intake you should inform your clients that these areas will be worked and why. You should explain that they will be properly and respectfully drapped, and only the area worked on will be exposed.
Of course there will be those clients that choose not to have these areas worked, and their level of comfort comes first. However, if the client continues to complain about low back, tight necks and shoulders and even TMJ, these “restricted” muscles are critical for a good outcome, and need to be massaged.
At School of Holistic Massage and Reflexology, our students are taught how to work these areas, how to properly drape, and have an understanding of the benefits of working on these areas.
In another post I will go into the mechanics of how each of theses muscles keeps you moving. But for now, know that these muscle groups are seen by the massage therapist like any other muscles that they work on during a massage. If your Massage therapist does not work on pecs, abs and glutes, find one that does or call me at 630-968-7827
As Always it is your choice……