Science, Massage, Faith
Science/Research seems to be the top subject in the massage profession lately. As we know research has proven that massage or compassionate touch does help with stress and pain. What has happened now is that anyone who has any Faith or even tries to speak about is condemn out right on any social media like Facebook. I feel that is wrong that this happens. I bought up something a client who is living with cancer wrote and was chastised by moderators of one massage page because they feel the anything that is of Faith is wrong and should not ever be talk about, even if a client ask for prayer for anything… I believe that Science and Faith (or religion) do go hand in hand . It was like that pre 20th century. Religion( theology) is the driving factor for science .Science tells us facts ..Faith ( theology) gives us value and meaning . Some in the massage profession feel that we need to be professional just like Doctors and never go to the faith route. What they fail to see is that we all have a faith route the Mind Body Spirit connection is real and needs to be address at times. True some of us are not Ministers or Talk therapist and we need to be careful and not try to address certain issues. We can however refer out to one. As Always it is your choice..