Stop blaming the shoe , and why are there more running injuries if the shoe are supposedly better made ?

Stop blaming your pain on the wrong shoes, and take charge of why you thought you needed those shoes in the first place. Be an educated consumer and if you lack the resources or knowledge to properly evaluate your footwear needs, then do some research! The bottom line here is that we all need to be training our foot musculature ( short foot ), in addition to the hips/core far more than we currently are. This can be done in the comfort of your own home by simply losing the shoes and socks and walking around for short periods of time barefoot.( Remember there are over 8000 plus nerves endings just on the surface of the bottom of our feet ). As you would train any other muscle group, gradually increase the time spent barefoot, ( too much too soon may be painful). I’d be more than happy to help you understand your feet/ankles, and what shoe might be appropriate for your desired fitness endeavors. Let me give you a hint, though, it will never be flip-flops! Whether it be bunions, plantar fasciitis, Achilles tendon pain, or shin splints, many disorders of the lower extremity can be traced back to an underlying weakness or overuse. If running has been gaining in popularity since the 1970’s, and shoe design has been “improving” ever since, shouldn’t running-related injuries be going down? Its not a “shoe” problem, its a “you” problem… As Always it is your choice..