The Year of A Healthier Foot via Reflexology and Strengthening
Clearly, a stronger foot is a healthier foot. To this end, I am suggesting a shift in the way we think about treating the foot. Current clinical guidelines include the use of foot orthotic devices for heel pain and plantar fasciitis, but they lack any reference to strengthening of the foot. Even through temporary support may be needed during the acute phase of an injury, it should be replaced as soon as possible with a strengthening program (short foot to start) just as would be carried out for any other muscles of the body. Therefore, I believe that more attention needs to be focused on static and dynamic foot core function in rehabilitation programs. These concepts can be extended to organised fitness programs as well. Our feet were designed with the strength for unsupported endurance walking and running. Unfortunately, adding permanent support to the foot, as opposed to strengthening the foot core, is the current standard of care.
I would like to suggest that perhaps it is time for the Decade of the Foot. This type of attention to a largely ignored, but critical, part of our body might help to raise awareness of the amazing function of our feet and their underappreciated potential for improvement. This is just some the core of what is taught in our Reflexology classes Level 1 and 2