Tire alignment and Joints in Our Bodies
Did you know that getting your tires aligned has similar benefits to the joints of your body being in good alignment?
It’s true.
The benefits of getting your tires aligned include:
- Less stress on your suspension and decreased wear and tear on your tires.
- Increased fuel efficiency.
- Wheels are much safer.
Compare that when your joints are aligned (Which are over 300 in your body):
- There is less stress on them. Thus, less wear and tear over time.
- There is a balance of muscles around the joint. When your joints are aligned, you can use the CORRECT muscles for movement, thus being more efficient with energy output.
- You will have improved balance which is safer for all life activities like standing, walking, running, and more.
What are common issues that can lead to joints being out of alignment?
- Injury
- Surgery
- Movement compensation after an injury
- Exercising improperly
- And more…
What can you do to get your joints in better alignment?
- You may need to release( Loosen up) tight muscles that could be compressing or pulling joints out of alignment.
- Modify exercise form
- Seek the guidance of a professional like an Integrative Movement Specialist (me) who has been trained extensively in assessing and identifying misaligned joints, movement compensation patterns, and more.
We will work together to keep your joints aligned using the best tools and strategies specific to your needs, wants, and goals.
Visit www.sohmar.com