What does it take to Keep a White Dog so clean

18835841_10211184581224721_632055849019749866_nWhat does it  take to keep such a beautiful white dog so clean. Well it takes either a lot of grooming which My wonderful wife Star does with our Dog Koda, or you can keep the dog in a bubble for safe keeping or away from anything that can get her dirty…  (which recently I did..I let her play in some water and she did get muddy but it was all about Koda having fun she was happy) . This is the same thing in Our lives when it come to Moving forward or receiving help , we can keep to ourselves and reject help from others ( stingy receiver ) just because ” I don’t know what I am going to do with my life.”

So please friends don’t wrap your self up in a Bubble , let others help you.. Try and not be a stingy Receiver … when someone offers a hand take it.. because  it just might make a difference in  your life and in  the person offering the hand..  As Always it is your choice.


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