Why are so many Massage therapist afraid of …..
In my opinion many in the Massage profession are so caught up in trying to be in line with main stream “medical world” that they have forgotten what massage/bodywork is all about or have they just pushed it to the back burner more or less because they are either afraid or their ego is as big as the state of Texas .To be honest I found myself caught up in their way of thinking because “if it can not be measured it is not real’ thinking. Yes Research is vital I understand that I also also understand some things just can not be measured. They scream “placebo” when trying to share with what we do when one is lets say is doing a ” a Reflexology session or for some it is a ” Reiki session or even using Essential oils..there is research showing that all these types of Massage/Body work do help the client to feel better it helps them get through what ever season they are in with their pain or emotional issues as well. Since ALL massage and Body work from Reflexology to Oils to Cranio/sacral to MFR works along with the central nervous system they are all vital in the clients over all health. Some People will go as far as to blast what they can not prove, by doing that it move us farther apart as a community. I shared one time with a popular massage therapist/author about being Intuitive and holy crap they turned a shade of pale I never saw before.. I also shared with them as former minister that when my clients asked me to pray about something this person thought I was a monster and the told me ‘How dare I bring that to my practice do you think the Medical Drs. do that, and that I was unethical ..” What are so many in my profession so afraid .. there are so many things we do not know why they work yet they are helping our clients..Yes it helps to have a understanding but to blast it as ” placebo” only … Why are you so afraid of being intuitive.. to be honest I did get away from what I believe is important to the health of my client just to please a “certain group” I let my ego get in the way Of what I was led to do .. no I am not a healer I am a vessel ..Just like Drs. they may have the “knowledge ” yet they are only a vessel .. I have ” knowledge ” I have the skills I am a Movement coach I am a Massage therapist I am a Reflexologist .. I value my intutive nature I believe that comes from my Creature God .. What are so many afraid of that… Many of the Large Medical schools now are teaching about the Mind Body Spirit connection they are seeing How important it is… Yes they relay on Research at times but then they also have to use their Intuitive skills as well…. again this is my opinion As Always it is your choice…