Why do we teach/share information about Movement and Muscles testing here at SOHMAR ?

We all move all day long chasing kids, dogs, cats, the taxi or bus. Some of us at one time or another play some kind of sport maybe even do a marathon or 2 or 20 maybe a Ironman. The point is We all move We all have jobs that must be done we clean we vacuum you get the point. Within these movements ( life) there are compensation patterns that will happen that will cause pain or a Malfunction. As Massage therapist it is vital to understand the movement patterns and we go into that here at School of Holistic Massage and Reflexology. Giving a Nice relaxation massage is nice and relaxing as we all know however if there is pain or issue with any rotation i.e arms or hips the students are well able to see that and address the issue. If a Muscle lets say is ‘ tight” the students are well aware of what not to do like “release it” because the muscle just might be protecting the joint. We are wonderfully created and the brain (CNS) know exactly what to do, but there are “hiccups” that will cause a compensation issue for example the Big toe needs to have at least 30 degrees of extension and if it does not the body will have a hard time moving over the foot while walking or running ( gait cycle). The students both in the Massage or Reflexology class are well aware and can help their clients move better and Feel better…