You got to move it, move it

Yes this is a phrase/song from a popular movie a while ago.. and as I like to say is ” Motion is lotion” . How and why we have a tendencies to start to feel stiff in our joints or maybe why our bodies seem to just get stiff as we age up( get older . I believe some of the reasons why is because we have lost the child like instinct to move?PLAY. yes we have. We sometimes get upset when we see kids just playing like Banchies outside they are yelling and screaming and running around and falling and getting up, all that starts when they start walking HOWEVER there is a reason why they are doing that. They are developing their vestibular system, they don’t know it but that is what they are doing.. oh wait we have all done that.. Yet as start to grow up by the teenage years we start to slow down and just sit and sit and sit.. then we get a job then sit and sit and sit some more… after a while our trust ( Central nervous system) in our balance (vestibular) gets funky.. Here is what the Vestibular system is and some things we can do :
The vestibular sense responds to a change in your head position or having your feet lifted off of the ground. It also contributes to balance and equilibrium.
Why is the Vestibular Sense Important:
Vestibular input is important for children’s development because it helps them maintain balance and trunk control and also helps them to successfully interact with their environment for fine motor, visual motor (e.g. tracking a moving object), gross motor, sports activities and self-care activities (e.g. tilting the head back to rinse shampoo out of their hair). Vestibular input can also help a child to feel regulated in order to keep them focused and attentive.
Activities to provide vestibular input:
Log rolls
Rolling inside of a barrel/tunnel
Prone (on stomach) or inverted (upside down) on top of a large exercise ball
Hanging upside down from a trapeze bar or monkey bars
Roller coasters
As you can read Motion is Lotion we need to Move it move and have more play time.. As Always it is your choice.. If you need help with this please contact me at 630-968-7827 I am not only a Massage therapist but a Movement coach as well…