Deep Thoughts
A win for those that use essential oils ….. Not MLM ones
I have a love hate relationship with MLM oils companies that really do not back up there claims. I however do have a good relationship with Companies that can back them up. I have used Essential Oils during massage the reflexology. They are very powerful and must be used with caution. At SOHMAR we have a guest Teacher that is passionate about essential oils. She teaches classes rang ...Read More
You got to move it, move it

Yes this is a phrase/song from a popular movie a while ago.. and as I like to say is " Motion is lotion" . How and why we have a tendencies to start to feel stiff in our joints or maybe why our bodies seem to just get stiff as we age up( get older . I believe some of the reasons why is because we have lost the child like instinct to move?PLAY. yes we have. We sometimes get upset when ...Read More
Business coaches Good or Bad

The other day someone asked me to share their business coaching with our massage students. I though "hmmm isn't this what I do on a daily basis"? I asked them how many years have they coached "Massage Therapists"? They said they had not specifically coached MT's but that their business plan would make them successful. To make a long story short... I told them I was not willing to shar ...Read More
They great debate — CE Or Non CE classes

For so many Massage therapist the biggest question is what classes should I take. Which is a great question to ask however the big question is why are you taking the class you picked. Is it just for the "hours" your state requires(CE) or is it for the greater good of your client (NON-CE). I believe and I do this is I pick classes that will help my clients to help themselves to move bet ...Read More
Just a side note or 10

I did borrow this from Dan John .. and I do share this with My clients and Students here at SOHMAR.... Don't Smoke Wear your seat belt and a helmet Learn to fail Eat more protein Eat more fiber Drink more water Take fish oil caps Floss your teeth Keep your joints healthy Build some muscle ...Read More