
Business coaches Good or Bad

February 2, 2017 l by Sohmar

The other day someone asked me to share their business coaching  with our massage students. I though "hmmm isn't this what I do on a daily basis"? I asked them how many years have they coached "Massage Therapists"? They said they had not specifically coached MT's but that their business plan would make them successful. To make a long story short... I told them I was not willing to shar ...Read More

They great debate — CE Or Non CE classes

January 27, 2017 l by Sohmar

For so many Massage therapist the biggest question is what classes should I take. Which is a great question to ask however the big question is why are you taking the class you picked. Is it just for the "hours"  your state requires(CE) or is it for the greater good of your client (NON-CE). I believe and I do this is I pick classes that will help my clients to help themselves to move bet ...Read More

Massage Therapy and Pain Science.. Have to Love a Good Research Study

January 20, 2017 l by Sohmar

I share with our Massage students that " Holistic " and " Science "do  work together very nicely and it benefits our clients when dealing with the issue of "Pain". When people ask if Massage therapy can help with "pain" The answer I give  them is "it depends' on the source of the pain. Massage does and can assist with Pain management.   Plews-Ogan_et_al-2005-Journal_of_Gener ...Read More

Are you chained to your Desk at work and wonder why your long runs do not get any better

January 9, 2017 l by Sohmar

Are you "balled-and-chained" to  your computer and wonder why your long runs are bad and your shoulders hurt all the time... well it could be your job and the way your are hunch over your work station.. This is what I suggest you can do  "in-between your  long runs."..   I strongly suggest some sprint days.  Maybe some fast 400 meters.   Then another day some uphill running. Also n ...Read More

Why do we teach/share information about Movement and Muscles testing here at SOHMAR ?

January 7, 2017 l by Sohmar

We all move all day long chasing kids, dogs, cats, the taxi or bus.  Some of us at one time or another play some kind of sport maybe even do a marathon or 2 or 20 maybe a Ironman. The point is We all move We all  have jobs that must be done we clean  we vacuum  you get the point.  Within these movements ( life) there are compensation patterns that will happen that will cause pain or ...Read More


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